It's Morning, Jesus
You bore the pain.
You bore the full load of sin
You went to the end, to utter exhaustion.
Yet, you loved.
You forgave.
"He was despised and rejected..."
Did some despise you for your love, Lord?
Did some reject your overflowing cup of mercy?
Did some consider as weakness, the strength of love?
Yet, in your redemptiive work, and redemptive vision from the cross,
Even they were loved.
"Father, forgive them" you said.
"They don't know what they do."
So today, Lord,
I pray for all who need love
And fear love
Who have not received love
And cannot give love
Who need love
And cannot trust love.
"It's good that you exist", you said to man in the garden.
And it was so good, that you gave your life to restore fallen man.
Fill my eyes with that vision of your creative, affirming love, Lord Jesus
I want to see the world with your eyes.