
Praying the Scripture: The Emmaus Road

1. While we are about other tasks, God often has
other intentions for us.
Now that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. (v.13)


It was not their intention, Lord
To meet with you that day.
They had other plans.
They had a village in their sights
and other stuff on their mind.
People, wells of water, lunch,
and…who knows, maybe an afternoon nap..
But in the midst of their plans, you inserted your presence.
Be my interruption today.
Sensitive me now, through your word.
Help me to be teachable.

2. Companionship, partnership and conversation
on the journey are part of God’s plan. …”
…two of them were going to a village called Emmaus… (v.13)


Who is my partner on the journey?
With whom do I converse over spiritual things?
Do I have a spiritual partner, Lord?

3. Sometimes you need to talk about “everything”
They were talking with each other about everything that had happened.(v.14)


Help me, Lord
I am a “get to it” person.
Yet you have made us to process life through memory, reflection, and in the conversation of human voices.
Grant me time with that “other” with whom I can process my life. Make me a spiritual companion for another as well.
By the insight of your word, your sword of truth cuts to the core of my tendency to do things “alone” and to “figure it out by myself.” Forgive me my disdain for chatter. Help me overcome my impatience with processing through spoken words.

4. Where two or more are gathered, He is there.
As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; (v.15)


Lord, you said, “Where two are more are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them.” (Mt. 18:20)
and here, before my eyes, it is true.
What words of yours do you impress upon my spirit today?
Help me to know these words are true.
Let these words be your words, and not mine.
I yearn for holy text, not feeling
I desire the singularity of your word, not the plurality of my emotion.
I ask for the arrow, the sword.

5.. Sometimes our vision is blocked, our understanding darkened.
But they were kept from recognizing him. (v.5)

Lord, this is truth of the human condition. Many distractions can keep me from recognizing you. This is my lot. This is my pain. I see myself here in this story, with downcast face. I have known this time in my own life. I am here, at times, needing your interruption. Thank you for this quiet time of devotion with you. Thank you for the morning walks we have together.