
Now We Call Friday, Good

It's Morning, Jesus
Now we call Friday, good
Your weakness displayed and mercy ripped apart
Now we see like we should
Hearts human, cold and desperate.
Now we call Friday, good
Cross takers and avoiders alike
By calendar or by faith
By ritual or just fake
We call Friday, good
Now we call Friday, good
And where disciples and believers ran
We learn to stand
Beyond the haunt of Judas
We hear the angel band
It is God who loves, not man
It is God who sacrifices for life
It is God who gives that we not die
It is God in whom our hope does lie
Now we call Friday, good.
Who once huddled and shivered in caves of fear
Confused by darkness
Hearts broken by grief
Feeling our world had ended
All joy had died
til Christ did arise.
Now we call Friday, good.