
The First Sermon Ever Preached

14 So the Lord God spoke to the serpent. He said, "Because you have done this,
"I am putting a curse on you.
You are cursed more than all of the livestock
and all of the wild animals.
You will crawl on the ground.
You will eat dust
all of the days of your life.
15 I will put hatred
between you and the woman.
Your children and her children will be enemies.
Her son will crush your head.
And you will crush his heel."
Genesis 3

Father in heaven,
I thank you that you set in motion in that single day
Your plan to redeem the world.
You stepped into the garden.
You declared that destruction would not stand.
You told the evil one his days were numbered.
You preached the first sermon ever preached in the garden
And you spoke to evil itself.

Enable me, Lord Jesus
to interfere with Satan's plans
to expose His scheming.
As you sought to retore your creation,
Enable me to join you in that work.
Thy kingdom come.
