Eye Sight, I Sight, and Spiritual Blindness
It's Morning, Jesus
The sun rises and darkness is pushed back.
I see it.
EYE see it.
I cry glory.
I see your glory, Lord
Even as you saw blind men seeing, the lame walking, lepers cleansed, tax collectors converted.
But some did not see it Lord.
Turn our eyes, upon you, Jesus
I see 29 salvations in two months
I am wet with salvations in Cuba and Celebrate Recovery and Camp Viola
I see glory
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done.
I see Cuba and a new leadership, and a new beginning
I see glory
I see Africa and healing, and a hospital helped
I see glory
I see Honduran children and mamas and daddys loved into the Kingdom
I see new counselors at the Pregnancy Care Center and local, hurting teenage girls
loved by the kingdom, embraced by compassion, guided by truth
I see a school teacher, turned minister of children, leading his church to adopt a school, then holding a summer camp, then teaching the children about Jesus. He once taught them English, Math, History, Science...now he teaches them about Jesus.
I see a new ministry to the lake in our midst; a fisherman's club. An answer to prayer.
I see 5,000 loaves of bread, eight to twelve at a time, going to those hungry for real life, every Monday.
I see people leaving their homes to visit; taking vacations to serve a week on mission; saving money and selling chicken to go on mission trips.
I see a jail ministry deepening into the systemic needs for rehab, with Christ at it's center
I see a kingdom growing in Christian education
I see a building arising on five acres of land next door to a church
I see resources flowing
I see prayers being answered
I see dreams advancing
I see teenagers serving and learning the gift of ministry at your feet
I see small groups praying
I see people at the altar laying down their burdens and picking up yours
I see the old walking gracefully toward the exit door
I see the elderly loving life, loving you.
I see pastors dreaming of Christian education for the first time
I see what "eye" see.
Turn my eyes upon you Jesus.
Turn the I's and the "eyes" of our church toward your work.
The Kingdom of God is in our midst.