
When I Was Born

It's Morning, Jesus
Be with my little girl today.
She's questioning.
She's going to the doctor again.
Mama's taking her.
She doesn't want her daddy to go
because it's embarassing to sit in that night gown
with no buttons
and she's growing up
and changing.
Even her questions are changing.

"When I was born I had this broken heart
Daddy said you made it
Like you made me,
Fearfully and wonderfully
In mama's tummy
And the Bible said it too.
You sewed me together
Like needle and thread and all that stuff.
So, why did you make a hole in my heart?
Today, Jesus, I go to the doctor
to see what they can do or what they have to do
about some other things that are wrong.
I used to like to go to Atlanta
and see Mee-maw and Pa-paw
and miss a day of school.
But I don't really like it anymore.
And now I'm confused, sort of....
I mean
And what's this about not getting to have a baby
or maybe or maybe not
and what's this about surgery someday, and what kind?
and tell me again why I can't run a lot or play basketball or soccer
I mean, I do all right cheering and playing volleyball
and I don't really get tired
not that much.
Mamma said my heart might be getting bigger..
so why is that bad?
Isn't a big heart better if it's doing all that work?
Wouldn't it be worse to have a heart too small or not big enough?"

It's morning, Jesus
You are all present in all of life
and today you accompany my daughter and wife
the doctor and the nurse
the question and the questioner
the woman and the little girl.


Well my name is Jenna. I'm 13 I go to LCS I am in the 8th grade I LOVE to hang out with my friends! ANGELINA, ZOE, PEYTON, BETHANY, JOSSY, JANET, KIM, ADAM, TIMMY, JEFF AND A LOT MORE!♥ I go to WHBC I am a Christian I can't concentrate for long periods of time. :) I have two sisters, hannah and chelsea I listen to music 24/7 Some people say i have A.D.D. I love shopping! I play volleyball I'm a cheerleader. I love going to football games I love jamming out in the parking lot My friends rock! They're the ones that keep me going! I love fried pickles! I love fried okra Chapstick is my life saver I eat lots! PINK is my favorite color. Sometimes I start laughing for no reason I don't care what people think of me I love the summer I like to act I take pics of myself when I'm bored I love my youth group I love almost everyone. If you can make me laugh, we'll get along just fine! I love JESUS!