
To God be the Glory

To God be the Glory
He speaks, and his words have creative power.
He loves with a longsuffering love.
His Mercy endures forever.
His truth stands when the world is on fire.

To God be the Glory.
Great things he has done.

He has built his church and called it his.
He has given up his life for his church.
He has honored the bride with the gift of Himself.

To God be the Glory
Great things he has done
So loved he the world

He loves the unlovable
He redeems the unredeemable
He heals the immedicable woe

To God be the Glory
Great things he has done
So loved he the world
That he gave us his son

He gave us Jesus
He gave us grace and truth
He gave us blessing
He gave us His choice of us
He gave us his promises
He gave us his presence

Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord
Let the earth hear his voice
Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord
Let the people rejoice
O come to the father through Jesus the son
And give him the glory
Great things he has done.