
When We Find our Passion

It's Evening, Jesus
I thank you that each of us are fearfully and wonderfully made, knit together by your hand in our Mother's wombs. Grant it, Lord Jesus, that we should find that purpose for which you created us, and live it. Release us from the pride that makes us attempt to be that which we are not; rid us by your love of the insecurity and fear that causes us to bury our talents; redeem us by your grace, that we may reflect the glory you intended in creation...and by consenting to your creative work in us, let us give you glory.

"A tree gives glory to God by being a tree. A bush gives glory to God by being a bush. If it tries to be anything else, it does not give glory to God. And man gives glory to God by being himself...and lifting the arms of his life to his redeeming savior." ---Thomas Merton