
Before the Angels Came

Steps leading to the gas chambers at Auschwitz
It's Morning, Jesus

Why didn't you just pray triumphal prayers?
Why didn't you just name it and claim it....the victory I mean.
Why didn't you just rebuke Satan and get the heck on with it,
You know, the crucifixion and all.
Why didn't you just string together all the promises?
I know you knew them.
Why didn't you just pray the promises
And pray them into your brain
Until your brain understood them,
And believed them
And acted out of them
And made them as part of you?
Why did you role around in the dirt
And lean upon that rock?
Come on Lord, you were the rock,
Weren't you?
Why did you even wrestle with God
And ask for the cup to be taken away?
I know it made you real, Lord
I know it made you like us.
But is real what you want?