
The Ladder

It’s Morning, Jesus

And every morning, before dawn
While it was still dark
You climbed the ladder of prayer.
That’s what Luke said.
He said you got up and left the whole bunch of them
And went to a place he called “lonely”,
Out there under the stars
You prayed.
So I climb with you, Jesus
I get on the ladder of prayer this morning
And tell my feet I’m headed up
I tell my hands to get a grip on those handrails
That lead to heaven
I tell my eyes to look up
I tell my body to step up
And sometimes, Lord
I look up, and the trip is over
You come down.
And sometimes I look up
And my prayer is an explosion
Of light and glory in the sky.
And sometimes…
No light, no fireworks, no thrill.
But still I remember you, Jesus
And I remember
That your desire that I pray
Is greater than my desire to pray.
So, here I am Lord,
Sitting again at your feet.
Ready to wait, to climb, to sit still, to sing,
Ready to just be with you.
