
Straw Soul

It's Morning, Jesus

If I do not wait before you, my Lord
And understand and receive your will for me today
Whose will shall I follow?
Shall it be the critical will of some nagging, inner voice
Whose identity is muggled
And whose speech is the dark, scratchy collection of vinyl memories?

If I do not listen for your voice, today, my Lord
To which voice shall I pay attention?
The voice of complaint?
The voice of worry?

If I do not align my heart with your heart today, my Lord
Whose heart shall I follow?
Shall I run and walk and dance to the beat of this culture?
Shall the excitement of my day come from t.v. commercials?
Who will tell me what to want?
Who will define real joy?
Who and what will set the standard of success
If I do not sit with you, my Lord
And hear your voice, know your will,
and become attuned to your heart?