A Groggy Prayer
It's Morning, Jesus
It's morning and feels like evening
Somebody is playing a pinball machine in my head
It's bing and bung, and bing again...
and this coffee is not helping
It's morning and feels like evening
Somebody is playing a pinball machine in my head
It's bing and bung, and bing again...
and this coffee is not helping
I have all these images
in my head.
I looked for my glasses so I could read your word
And I already had them on.
So, let me lay it out before you, Jesus
Lay it down
My kaleidoscope is running over...
That's what it is...
I see shoe boxes, dogs, broken backs, funeral homes, budgets, sermons,, to-do lists, coffee cups,
computers, broken finger nails, church signs, dirty dishes, elders, guitars, drums, teeth whitener.
I'll just sit here with you awhile, Lord.
You see it all, in order.
I'll just sit with you.
I don't even have to figure it out right now.
"In the early morning before dawn,
Jesus went off to a lonely place, and there he prayed."
Is that what you did, Lord?
Was your kaleidoscope sometimes full, too, of images competing for the light?
Did you twist the kaleidoscope of prayer til all had fallen in place?
Did you carry your own noise to the silence?
How long were you still before it became clear?
Did you see, sometimes all at once, fish nets, donkeys, water pots, brides, stars, sticks of wood, dusty roads, loaves of bread, sunrises?
Were your eyes a little blurry when you wept over Jerusalem? Did the city and the people and the things going in and out look like a kaleidoscope through your wet eyes?
So I'll sit with you, awhile, Jesus.