The Bible is Banned at Chinese Olympics
Organizers of the 2008 Olympics in Beijing have published a list of "prohibited objects" in the Olympic village where athletes will stay. To the surprise of many, Bibles are among the objects that will not be allowed.
It's Morning, Jesus
And the power of your Word still shatters men.
Presidents, Prime Ministers, Dictators and Kings still tremble at the truth of who you are.
I pray this morning for the ministers, church leaders and pastors in China, who oppose the "official" church.
I pray the world may see, by the light of truth, the real danger of a nation that denies who You are.
Turn your eyes upon us, too, Lord Jesus
For many in our nation neither open your word nor regard it.
Many in your church refuse to read it.
Convict us as individuals.
The "rule of the Chinese" and the "banning of the Bible" is effective here by our own lifestyles.
Our focus and attention to sports, media, news and entertainment effectively bans the bible from our minds eye.
Our hurry and scurry to the things of this world effectively ban our sitting still before you with Your word
Our pride in our own opinions and our belief in ourselves effectively denies your Word a voice in our every day meditations.
When we pick up the bible, it is often to "support" what we already believe.
We search the word, not for You, but for linguistic support of our personal views.
Forgive us God.
Renew us God.
Convict Bejing, convict America, convict us, convict me.