
Thinking the Thoughts of God After Him

Isaiah 30:21
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."

It's Morning, Jesus
How wonderful to align my first thoughts of the day with you.
How sweet, to saturate my sponge like brain with the water of your word.
How uplifting, to think your thoughts
How convicting, to let the grey matter of my brain process your truth with the Spirit's guidance
How exhilirating to know eternity is being sown into my body
How trustworthy to think thoughts that are true, forever and ever
How encouraging to have safe words, powerful thoughts, lofty ideas downloading from you into me
How excellent to walk on a parth knowing the bend in the road leads to you.

So I open the book
And in so doing I walk the road
With you
And try to walk, and not run
Try to pace myself beside you and not get ahead or behind
Though I want to run and shout
Help me keep pace with you, Jesus
On this road with you and your word
The sun rises soon enough.
