
Blessed are the Meek

It's Morning, Jesus
I confess to you that I often fear meekness in my personality.
I often fear the lamb.
Weren't you the lion of Judah as well as the lamb of God?
I feel more powerful as a lion
I feel more courageous with a roar
I feel more respected with a stance of pride
I just like it a lot, Lord,
When you overturned those tables
and took that whip
and threw out the money changers at the temple.
I enjoy the heat and passion of those passages
when you told those Pharisees they were graveyard people
and that inside those pretty caskets they were full of dead men's bones.

Yet, there you are, my Lord
With John pointing to you, saying: "Behold the Lamb of God"
And there you are in Isaiah, predicted: "Like a lamb led to the slaughter..."
And there you are on that hill side preaching: "Blessed are the meek...they shall inherit the earth."

I don't like it, Lord, but it fits.
My flesh rejects it, but my Spirit is oonvicted.
It fits into everything else you and God had to say:
"Turn the other cheek."
"A soft answer turns away wrath."
"Love one another."
"Do good to those who hurt you."
"Bless those who persecute you."
"The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, gentleness, kindness, patience, peace, longsuffering...against such there is no law."

Yeah. Except the law of the lion, maybe?
Forgive me, Lord.
Teach me meekness today.
Show me strength under control.
Show me the power of silence before the Pilates' of the world.
Show me your glory.
Christ in me the hope of glory.