
The Only Way Out is Through

It's Morning, Jesus
She is caught in a web of drug euphoria and drug depression.
She needs to take hold of truth, not feeling.
You are truth, Lord.
The only way out, is through.
He can't see, Lord
He doesn't really know the way.
All the stuff of his life that he is calling on
Is not responding right now with the stuff he needs.
You are the way, Jesus.
The only way out, is through.
They are crumbling in their marriage.
Things are falling apart.
There's no life in "them" anymore
You are the life, Jesus
The only way out, is through.

I pray this morning, Lord Jesus,
For those who are looking for you
In themselves and can't find you.
"I am the way." You said.
Show them the way of ministry, the way of cross-carrying, the way of evangelism, the way of worship.
The only way out, is through you.

I pray for those who are looking for you in feeling this morning, and cannot sense your presence. In their feelings they don't "feel" you.
Show them the truth of obedience.
Show them the truth of ministry, the truth of cross-carrying, the truth of evangelism, the truth of worship.
The only way out is through you.

I pray for those who are living in death, not life. I pray for those who have defined life with a consumerist mentality. They are concerned, not with your Kingdom, but with their own house. Help them give thought to their ways.
Show them the life that is in ministry outside of their own houses, love outside of their own kin.
The only way out is through you.

Their paneled houses do not satisfy.
They gather to purses with holes in it.
They labor and what they have is blown away.
Because you have proclaimed a drought on their life-styles
Because you have removed all spiritual blessing from their pursuits
Because you have ceased to impart to themselves YOU, they are empty.
The only way out is through you.

Come, O'Holy Spirit, and breathe upon these slain,
That they may live.
