
On Call

It's afternoon, Jesus
And I'm on call.
I'll walk with you Jesus
Just yank my chain
Pull the rope
Dial me up
I know I can't do much withhout you
But I know I can be a reminder of Your love and presence today.
I sure need you.
I don't want to just make a visit, an appearance, a call
I want you
I want you to be there
I want you to be there with me

With a friend whose Father is dying
With a wife who cares for children and an aging in-law
With a woman having skin cancer removed
With a lady at the hospital for kidney problems
With a mom taking her child again, to find out what's wrong
With a dad who girl is sick and whose father has heart surgery
With a young man weeping in desperate suicide attempt
With a family grieving death
With a friend transporting another friend from rehab to her home
With a woman struggling mightily to go home again
With a man trying to remember
With a baby having a tooth pulled
With a strong young man and a mystery of sickness
With a man having heart surgery, again.
Thank you Lord for the sacred trust of ministering to these
Thank you for the staff who rotates week after week
Thank you friends who reach out
Thank you for the S.S. class that serves
Thank you for letting us be a part.