
Let it Rain

It's Morning, Jesus
We came to you with parched lives, and you sent us rain.
Now we come to you with parched earth,
With friends whose wells are dry
We cry out with the rivers,
Let it rain
We cry out like the dry rocks in the Chattahoochee
Let it rain
We cry like sea gulls
We croak like frogs
We hear the slivering of the lizards on dry leaves
We see the cracks in the bottom of the lake
We ask you God for rain
You are the giver of all good gifts
We come to you
And ask you
We have asked for bread and we have eaten
We have asked for food, and you did not give us a serpent
Now we ask for rain.
We are humbled to make this request from heaven
We who go to the moon and back again
We who build tall skyscrapers
We who think we can create life in test tubes
Now we must come back to you
And look to sky
And look to heaven
And look beyond our selves and our science
And ask, yes ask for the simplest thing
Lord, please,
Let it rain.
