
Self Examination

It's Evening, Jesus

Did I feed my mind the truth of your Word today?
What was my mental diet?
Did I put in the good and keep out the bad?
Did I take custody of my eyes and keep my path straight?
Did I bring every thought captive to your feet?
Did I allow fear, or paranoia, or past negative experiences to guide my thoughts?
Did I judge others quickly?
Did I allow my mind to rest from the onslaught of data and conversations?
Did I think on things that are lovely, good, just and pure?
Did I think good things about others?
Did I let my mind give them the benefit of the doubt?

I give you my mind, Lord Jesus.
I give you my brain.
Let it rest in you
as my heart seeks rest
as my body seeks rest
as my soul seeks rest.
Help me have
Mind rest.
Mind cleansing.
Mind renewal.
