
Cross Taking

It's Afternoon, Jesus
I don't why it is, but I want to pray
I see all these people around me
With burdens, heavy
Some with laughter, light.
I see some with bodies frail
And some fat with gluttony
I see some curious and learning
I see all of them made in your image
And in the mirror of their eyes I see
All of us, broken in the fall
Is that what you saw, Jesus
When, looking over Jersusalem, you wept?
Christ, be in me, that I might love,
That I might smile,
That I might encouage or befriend
That I might take away, for one brief moment,
A load of pain that another is bearing.
You, who took the cross,
And you, who told us all to take up our cross
And follow you.
Lead to the load and I will lift,
But not by lifting, but my being in you
"Christ in me, the hope of glory."