

"When the Lord delivered Zion from bondage,
it seemed like a dream.
Then was our mouth filled with laughter;
on our lips there were songs."
Psalm 126

It's Morning, Jesus

I remember my life this morning,

and my mouth is filled with laughter.

You delivered me from realms of darkness,

from abandonment, from emptiness, from pain.

Before I was one year old,

you stepped into my life

and picked me up.

Before I was a person who could choose

You chose me.

Thank you, God, for my family.

Today, I sing the song of your deliverance.

Grant it, Lord Jesus,

that our ministry to our community,

and to Unity Elementary,

might be a means of deliverance for

a little girl or little boy who might never have known you,

or seen a different way,

or known a different style,

or experienced a different grace.
