Monkey Men
This image is a variant of the "hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil" theme. The Catholic priest on the left has no mouth; the Rabbi in the center has no eyes; the Protestant Minister on the right has no ears. It is an artistic expression of the lack of courage the religious leaders of the world exhibited in confronting the evil of Auschwitz.
It's Afternoon, Jesus
Your grace is sufficient.
Thank you for Courtney and our ministry to public housing.
Thank you for Hannah and our ministry to the Girl's and Boy's Club
Thank you for DASH and our ministry to the poor in our midst.
Thank you for Camp Viola and our ministry to the children of summer.
Thank you for Unity Elementary School Teachers and our chance to minister with them.
Thank you for Lin and our ministry to Florence Hand Nursing Home
Thank you for Chuck and our ministry through Celebrate Recovery
Thank you for Dick and our ministry to Fellowship Deliverance Ministries
Thank you for Jack and our ministry at the prison
Thank you for Ted and our ministry to about-to-be weds
Thank you for Judy and our ministry to Special Needs
Thank you for Nan and our ministry to Moms
Thank you for Wanda and our ministry to Newcomers
Thank you for Larry and our ministry to the Dominican Republic, Honduras and Cuba
Thank you for Lynn and our ministry to victims of Katrina
Thank you for Gene and our ministry to the Baptist Hospital in Ghana
Thank you that we have eyes to see and ears to hear and hearts to feel
Because you have removed our selfishness and given us your mercy.
"Even as you served the least of these my brethren, you served me."--Jesus